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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
3944ZeusKoala5145237498103996Liečebňa u Koaly26.9
3924HádesKoala5145237760103996Liečebňa u Koaly26.9
3956AresKoala5145237786103996Liečebňa u Koaly26.9
3450AténaKoala5145238292103996Liečebňa u Koaly26.9
3794HéraKoala5145238366103996Liečebňa u Koaly26.9
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3438ArtemisKoala5145238399103996Liečebňa u Koaly26.9
3437AfroKoala5145239595103996Liečebňa u Koaly26.9
3439PoseidonKoala51452310417103996Liečebňa u Koaly26.9
107815. Happy sleeping playerjericho884785031332744088Stádo ovečiek22.2
27008 Ovocie sleeping playerjericho885054971460244088Stádo ovečiek5.8
494P2A-524 sleeping playerjericho885244921498744088Stádo ovečiek25.3

Players list: Koala; jericho88
[town]3944[/town] 7498pts [player]Koala[/player] 514/523 26.9
[town]3924[/town] 7760pts [player]Koala[/player] 514/523 26.9
[town]3956[/town] 7786pts [player]Koala[/player] 514/523 26.9
[town]3450[/town] 8292pts [player]Koala[/player] 514/523 26.9
[town]3794[/town] 8366pts [player]Koala[/player] 514/523 26.9
[town]3438[/town] 8399pts [player]Koala[/player] 514/523 26.9
[town]3437[/town] 9595pts [player]Koala[/player] 514/523 26.9
[town]3439[/town] 10417pts [player]Koala[/player] 514/523 26.9
[town]1078[/town] 13327pts [player]jericho88[/player] 478/503 22.2
[town]27[/town] 14602pts [player]jericho88[/player] 505/497 5.8
[town]494[/town] 14987pts [player]jericho88[/player] 524/492 25.3

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.