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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
821404 HANNIBAL attacked playerchris611513490596130735---16.4
709003 HANNIBAL attacked playerchris611510490619930735---14.1
558302 HANNIBAL attacked playerchris611513490798930735---16.4
10832Ville de alpini 6 attacked playeralpini5285238205191799Pingouins Furax36.2
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2643carthago II attacked playeralpini5255178215191799Pingouins Furax30.2
22039a donnnner 4 attacked playermicjag500497836839026Cc toi t'est qui toi ?3.0
21530a doner 1 attacked playermicjag492497848139026Cc toi t'est qui toi ?8.5
20052a donner 3 attacked playermicjag499501913539026Cc toi t'est qui toi ?1.4
164444.12 Vae Vicitis attacked playergeropolidos4864941043942299---15.2
11739Vrk-3 attacked playerTOMME7252852310463100698La Meute36.2
226901 HANNIBAL attacked playerchris6115124941058630735---13.4
13301-Monkey D Luffy attacked playeralpini51352311011191799Pingouins Furax26.4
35270044-2 attacked playerAmerico garcia4794771128870541---31.1
255744.17 Vae Victis attacked playergeropolidos4864941140342299---15.2
6589Ville de frederic94 attacked playerfrederic944745121197214370ugugugu28.6
6206Vrk-2 attacked playerTOMME7252752412010100698La Meute36.1
405Vaurthex attacked playerVaurthex5014781205513706Push To Talk22.0
187944.02 Thor attacked playergeropolidos4864941280742299---15.2
18756a donner 2 attacked playermicjag4945001304239026Cc toi t'est qui toi ?6.0
1229NARVALO 1 attacked playerLCPROUT4965031610474489---5.0
5868PHALUS DORE attacked playerLCPROUT5005061731574489---6.0

Liste des joueurs: chris611; Darius; alpini; micjag; praticien; geropolidos; TOMME72; Americo garcia; frederic94; Vaurthex; LCPROUT
[town]8214[/town] 5961pts [player]chris611[/player] 513/490 16.4
[town]7090[/town] 6199pts [player]chris611[/player] 510/490 14.1
[town]36281[/town] 7765pts [player]Darius[/player] 528/473 38.9
[town]5583[/town] 7989pts [player]chris611[/player] 513/490 16.4
[town]10832[/town] 8205pts [player]alpini[/player] 528/523 36.2
[town]2643[/town] 8215pts [player]alpini[/player] 525/517 30.2
[town]22039[/town] 8368pts [player]micjag[/player] 500/497 3.0
[town]21530[/town] 8481pts [player]micjag[/player] 492/497 8.5
[town]2127[/town] 8920pts [player]praticien[/player] 479/477 31.1
[town]20052[/town] 9135pts [player]micjag[/player] 499/501 1.4
[town]1644[/town] 10439pts [player]geropolidos[/player] 486/494 15.2
[town]11739[/town] 10463pts [player]TOMME72[/player] 528/523 36.2
[town]2269[/town] 10586pts [player]chris611[/player] 512/494 13.4
[town]133[/town] 11011pts [player]alpini[/player] 513/523 26.4
[town]3527[/town] 11288pts [player]Americo garcia[/player] 479/477 31.1
[town]2557[/town] 11403pts [player]geropolidos[/player] 486/494 15.2
[town]6589[/town] 11972pts [player]frederic94[/player] 474/512 28.6
[town]6206[/town] 12010pts [player]TOMME72[/player] 527/524 36.1
[town]405[/town] 12055pts [player]Vaurthex[/player] 501/478 22.0
[town]1879[/town] 12807pts [player]geropolidos[/player] 486/494 15.2
[town]18756[/town] 13042pts [player]micjag[/player] 494/500 6.0
[town]1229[/town] 16104pts [player]LCPROUT[/player] 496/503 5.0
[town]5868[/town] 17315pts [player]LCPROUT[/player] 500/506 6.0

. = Ce joueur a une seule ville donc son académie risque de ne pas être très développée.

. = Ce joueur a perdu des points durant la semaine dernière et pourrait être inactif.

. = Ce joueur est inactif ou en mode vacances.

N.B.: Le "rayon" de recherche est "carré", donc si X=400 et Y=500, pour un rayon de 10, la recherche se fera dans une zone carrée avec X entre 390 et 410 et Y entre 490 et 510. Ainsi un rayon de 50, permet de couvrir une mer.